Updated sonic 1 remake on scratch
version 1.5
New stuff
1.Most of the getting stuck in ground problems are now fixed
2.Slope detection added (however there may be a few places that are a bit too steep to go up and if your going up you might get stuck just press the other way once and you'll continue)
3.Light effects added to show green hill's loveliness and scrap brains spookiness
4.You can now roll into enemies
5.Cleaned Sonic's animations
6.Changed the first boss (All bosses will be changed eventually except final one)
7.Mobile and computer friendly (You can still use arrow keys)
8.robots now destroyed easier
9.Up and down on options menu
10.If enemies launch you up you
wont go too high (borders on top of level)
11.I also have a YouTube channel where I post all of my games and animations on scratch there's even a video about this game
12.I am now working on sonic cd but I am also working on a new project called sonic 1 remake, This game ⬅️(Sonic 1 remake on scratch drawn) shall remain as it is, while soon a new project will come called sonic 1 remake and it will be a lot better than this one cause it will have Spin-dash, less chances of getting stuck in the ground, proper sonic, Eggman, and badnik sprites and glow effects in places like green hill and dark effects in places like scrap brain, sonic 1 music sound effects and more.
13.So before I make sonic cd I will make sonic 1 remake make sure to check it out and then I'll make sonic cd remake in scratch drawn and sonic cd remake with proper sprites bosses and sounds but in all four of these projects level and background are drawn by me and even in the games with proper sprites and sounds and stuff I'll always add a little more story spice to them ( Sonic CD's final boss will get a change maybe ) anyways sub to my YouTube channel so you don't miss any of these games