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Notes and Credits

⭐ Check out the new Simple OS, It's better! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/875152213/ ⭐ Please read the following information carefully as it contains important details. ⭐ About ⭐ Triangle OS is a work-in-progress beta version that is currently unstable but promises to be modern, sleek, smooth, and user-friendly when completed. ⭐Credits⭐ Credits go to Flaticon.com for most icons and the logo, @-Xaf- for the intro music, and @-MePix for coding and some design work. Thanks to GrammarlyGo for re-wording the description, Thanks to Sony for the startup sounds from the PS1 ⭐ Errors ⭐ On startup, you may encounter one of three types of errors: low FPS (a drop in frames per second during loading), Turbo Mode (can be turned off by holding 'shift' and then clicking the green flag), screen size alteration (currently no solution available), or you are not signed into Scratch (Sign into scratch) ⭐ Note ⭐ Please note that Triangle OS is only compatible with PCs due to font issues and app incompatibility with mobile devices that may not be fast enough. ⭐ End ⭐ Thank you for your interest in Triangle OS. ⭐ Dev-Log ⭐ I lost the first half of the dev log, sorry! ⭐ Version 0.3.4 ⭐ ▶️ Added intro music (Thx @-Xaf- !) ▶️ Added songs to the Music app ▶️ Changed log-in welcome ▶️ Added options, doesn't work yet ▶️ Changed Loading ⭐ Version 0.3.5 ⭐ ▶️ Removed intro music ▶️ Changed Error ▶️ Changed Boot Sound ⭐ Version 0.3.5 ⭐ ▶️ Changed Background ⭐ Version 0.3.6 ⭐ ▶️ Added new login

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