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**Please click the Green Flag twice** This game requires TurboWarp to play. Please use the link below as it allows better performance: https://turbowarp.org/775433209?clones=Infinity Check out the widescreen edition on itch.io: https://mariofan235.itch.io/super-mario-odyssey-seashine-island ========================================= Welcome to SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY SEASHINE ISLAND! A 2D retro imagining of Super Mario Odyssey! During their summer travels, Mario & Cappy have found a mysterious, tranquil island filled with secrets and surprises. Can you find all 20 Power Moons and/or 50 Purple Coins? CONTROLS **Controls can be customized in the game. There is a lot so please bear with me...** Basic Controls (based on default settings) -Left/Right Arrow Keys to move. Mario accelerates automatically -X to Jump -Z to throw Cappy or carry items -Down key to duck -C to un-capture objects -Up arrow to look up/throw items upward -P to access the Pause Menu Advanced Moves -Jump three times in a row to perform a Triple Jump -Press down in midair to Ground Pound; jump on impact to perform a Ground Pound Jump -Press Z during a Ground Pound to Dive -Press Z while crouching to perform a Roll -Press the jump key and down key while rolling to perform a Long Jump -Press the jump key while crouching in place to perform a Backflip -Jump while turning directions on the ground to Sideflip -Press left/right near a wall while midair to wall slide; press X to wall jump -Press the arrow key toward the direction of a pipe to enter it -Underwater: X to swim Cap Move Combos -Cap Hold - Hold Z -Cap Jump/Vault - Run into Cappy or Jump on Cappy -Catch Jump - Jump after cap returns -Dive Jump - Throw Cap + Dive Capture Controls (spoilers) -Goomba: Use X to jump -Blue Koopa: Crouch while running to shell dash -Cheep Cheep: Use arrow keys to swim -Waddlewing: Hold X to glide; press Z for an air boost This game has a high skill difficulty compared to most other platformers, so please make sure to keep that in mind. GAMEPLAY -Like Mario Odyssey, this is an open world/non-linear platformer. The level is split into 3 sections (hint: one is accessed by pipe). The goal is to explore and collect as many Power Moons as possible -As said before, Power Moons were designed with specific skills levels and challenges. All 20 Power Moons are possible to collect -You lose 50 coins when losing all your health as a penalty CREDITS (also in-game) -Main platforming engine created by myself, an updated version from 2D Adventure -Mario Fan Games Galaxy and The Spriters Resource for most of the Sprites and Tilesets -Custom logo by @Homebrewer and his original de-make concept -Level maps created through Tiled -Music remixes created by Tater-Tot Tunes, branflakes, and other related cover artists -Music and sound effects from The Sound Resource, Super Mario Maker 2, and YouTube -Off-screen costume and background system by @ToadfanSchool and @BenjaminWins11 -@Nightcat28 for holding the Mario contest and his awesome content; keep up the great work! -Various other Mario Odyssey fan-games -Nintendo for ownership of the Mario franchise And, of course, you for playing! Ever since Mario Odyssey was revealed I can only imagine how its mechanics can be implemented in 2D, and I believe I finally achieved my dream! Thank you so much for all the feedback and support. I tried my best to make this game as fun as possible to play, so let me know if you have any more ideas! VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Released! 1.1 - Bug fixes -1.1.1 - Added a congrats message when all the moons are collected #games #supermario #supermarioodyssey #marioodyssey #seashineisland

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