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Notes and Credits

A VERY big project all music and art is made by me Check out the official studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33190572 =Phone calls= -Mechgamer222(me) =How to play= -Use the cameras and sound cues to get the locations of your enemy's -Use the red buttons above your vent doors to open and shut them -Shine your light in the vents or hallway to know for sure someone is there. *note: your flashlight does not use power.* =Animatronics= -Scratch cat: (has footsteps) enters either the left or right vent can be stopped by the vent doors -Giga: (no footsteps) enters the left vent only, can't be stopped by the vent door. The only way to combat her is to not move your mouse until she goes away.(this does not include clicking) -Frank: Appears in your main hallway, shine your light at him until he goes away -Gobo: Sits on certain cams or in your hallway. just don't look at him for too long =Errors= When you see the danger icon next to your cams, you have a limited time to find the error on a certain camera and fix it by holding on it. =Power= Don't keep your doors closed for too long or you'll run out of power. once you run out you only have a few seconds before you die, so hope 6am is right around the corner. P.S. It gets hard :P #all #voiceacting #scary #completed #fun #fullgame #allhere #custommusic #music #loveandfavorite #cool #nice

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