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^arrow, click, space, or w to jump b to change backgrounds s to switch floor i have spent HOURS on the vault and now it works click v to go in and tap spooky to type in the codes they are the real codes but sadly there are no icons to unlock and to do it again just click a however there is no way 2 exit so u will have to reflag but i will work on that i fixed up the wave and ufo trails so they should be better there are more now of both it is all fixed it has the ufo mode but it is a bit messy ^(meaning it needs some work) i am now going to make the robot it should be easy because i ended up making it for a moment when trying to make the ufo the robot is a lot harder than i thought SPEED PORTALS WERE MADE AND THEY ARE ONLY IN HEXAGON FORCE FOR NOW BUT NOW HEXAGON FORCE MIGHT NEED SOME WORK BUT SPEED PORTALS ARE IN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D i made perfect black jump rings 200 comments exact noic3 cloudscore added

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