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[Entries closed!] To celebrate the 3rd SRCast Season, we're hosting another SRCast Animated contest! Animate your favorite SRCast bit for the chance to design your very own Premium EdMote with us! The top 3 entries will also get an Edward-award project dedicated entirely to them and access to the golden srWimmers emote! Also, every entry will be mentioned and promoted on our Results-Project, nobody will be left out! We will choose a bunch of honorable mentions (depending on how many people enter) and talk about their animations more in-depth! [RULES] - Use any audio from the SRCast (you don't have to use the ones here and you can edit the audio however you like) - The clip doesn't have to be from this season, even ones from episode 1 are fine! - Animate it! It can be as detailed as you want, or just a slideshow of drawings. It's the thought that counts! - The clip and your animation can have any length (But it should probably be longer than like 2 seconds) - Title your project "SRCast Animated - [Clip name]". You can name the clip however you like - Add your uploaded project to the "SRCAST ANIMATED CONTEST 3"-Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32506204/ - Multiple people can work on one animation - You can make multiple entries, but we'll try to sum them up and rate them as a whole - Entries are open until January 8th, 2023! (See inside this project for the "AUDIO" sprite or inside the individual SRCasts inside the "Podcast" sprite for the clips) Have a look at this great example of an SRCast Animated by guest-host @klabss : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/451216123/ Have fun animating! If you have any questions, ask away! We are glad to help you out! [NOTES & CREDITS] Big big thanks to @Klabss for drawing almost all SRCast guests <3 Thanks to @-rex- for the pen text engine The background song is called "Deuces" by Kevin MacLeod Shoutout to all SRCast guests we've had so far: @ktrav258 @Apfellord @HmYesQuite @Piebro101 @derite4 / @jocers @TNTsquirrel @Raimu8 @davfsa @PhantomForcesX (Arc) @FUZZIE-WEASEL @shalebridge @WazzoTV @Astro947 @klabss @RendHeaven @SpriteMaster @Swifty2 @PotatoAnimator @Klongo4 #animation #contest

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