WASD to move player
M - Stand Arrow
- Obtain and change stand
- Can only get stand if your current stand is unsummoned
L - Dummy Stand
- Throw arrow at dummy
Q - Summon Stand
All Stands ( Not including Beach Boy ):
E - Barrage
R - Barrage Finisher
Star Platinum:
T - Star Finger
Z - Time Skip
X - Succ
C - Time Stop ( 10 s )
The World:
T - Knifes
Y - Kick Barrage
F - Time Stop ( 10 s )
Z - Time Skip
Crazy Diamond:
T - Kick Barrage
X - Red Ink Shot
C - Wall Creation ( 8 s )
Gold Experience:
T - Kick Barrage
Z - Tree Creation
X - Gold Requiem's Power ( 10 s )
Tusk Act 4:
T - Wormhole TP Punch
Y - Nail Shot
F - Nail Spam
G - Gold Rotation Nail
Z - Wormhole Nail
Silver Chariot:
T - Secret Technique
Z - Chariot Spin
X - Armor Shed Barrage
Sticky Fingers:
T - Zipper Arm Pull
F - Unzip Dummy
Z - Arrivederuch Beatdown
Red Hot Chili Pepper:
T - Zoom
Z - Pinky Zoom
X - Big Shock
Killer Queen:
T - Bomb
- Places after Barrage Finisher
Y - Sheer Heart Attack
F - Bites The Dust
Z - Stray Cat Bubble
Z - Dummy Clone
X - Self Clone
C - Love Train
Beach Boy:
E - Cast Line
R - Poke
Heirophant Green:
T - Emerald Splash
F - 20 meter radius Emerald Splash
G - Marionette Punch
Za Hando-
T - Space Kick Barrage
Z - Space Dash
X - Space Vaccum
Hermit Purple:
T - Vine Grapple
F - Camera thingy
Z - Joestar Secret Technique
Credits to T0es for the original project, I just recoloured it
(Some skins are not from YBA, they are just original like: Duck guy, SP(Shadow), etc...)
+Added Star Platinum OVA
+Added Shadow The World
+Added Jade Peace
+Added Demonic4C
+Added Golden Experience Over Heaven
+Added Skull Queen
+Added Shadow Star Platinum (Dummy Stand)
+Added Blue The World (Dummy Stand)
+Added Angry Crazy Diamond (Dummy Stand)
+Added Mint Snake (Dummy Stand)
+Added Tusk Over Heaven
Version 0.3
+Added Lightning Boy
+Added OVA Silver chariot
+Added Duck Guy
1/2/2023- Update 0.4
+Added Punky fingers
+Added R63 The Hand
+Added Frostbite KQ (Dummy stand)
7/1/2023- Update 0.4.1
+Added Skull Queen Remodel
8/2/23- Update 0.7
+Added Holy's sickness (Hermit purple)
+Added New model for Arrow (Lucky Arrow)