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So, here are the voices! Click on a letter to hear them say their name! A, N, T, and W are voiced by @ThreetenThirty. B, L, and V are voiced by @Destinyi11. C, R, and Z are voiced by @JayerTheGreen. CH is voiced by @SuperGibaLogan. D, E, and P are voiced by @jaxerz14spongebob. F is voiced by @florenciramir. G, K, and LL are voiced by @AlfabetonsOfficial. H, I, J, and M are voiced by @cupcakeboi1. RR is voiced by @Carlin12357. S is voiced by @ItsWinkTheWolf. The other letters (Ñ, O, Q, U, X, and Y) are voiced by me.

Notes and Credits

Credit 2 Every1.

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