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Scroll down here for help if it shows Question Marks. Maker Controls: Movement: WASD or Arrows Switch Tools (Place or Erase): Q Move Faster: Space Use the on-screen buttons to access and use menus. Player Controls: Movement: WASD or Arrows Run / Pickup Item: Space Crouch / Use Door: S or Down Arrow Each powerup has unique abilities, experiment with the controls to learn each one! For Widescreen, Shadows and Improved Performance, use THIS Turbowarp link (both lines): https://turbowarp.org/753049043?hqpen&limitless&size=640x360 You must use that link to get all of those benefits. ALTERNATIVE / CHUNK LOADING: This option loads all entities in the marked 10x10 areas all at once, allowing larger mechanisms to not break due to some parts being unloaded. This option loads a larger area than normal, so is not recommended unless your level actually benefits from it. ========================================= ISSUES IN LOADING / QUESTION MARKS: If there are issues with loading the project, e.g: it shows question marks or tells you to reload, use Turbowarp: https://turbowarp.org/753049043?hqpen&limitless&size=640x360 or reload the page and switch to another tab for about 10 seconds, then return. Repeat this until it works. Feel free to report this issue to Scratch, it affects many projects with a lot of assets, yet it is ignored. ========================================= This project was made by @BenjaminWins11, please do not try to take credit for my work.

Notes and Credits

Advertise in studios, not comments. Credits below. Share and find Level and World codes here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/743192/ Original topic with 600 pages of codes: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/644767/ Credits: Coding done 100% by BenjaminWins11. Most assets used are from Nintendo, from Super Mario All-Stars and Super Mario Maker 2. Art for the Propeller Suit and Cloud Mario powerups was made by @ThatAnimationDude. Snow and Ghost House theme by LadiesMan217. Super Mario Land Theme by ValtteriValtteri24. Some sprites were made by Geoshi, Neweegie, Carbon, SuperSledgeBro and NoobGuy519. The Mountain background and tile set was made by Linkstormz on DeviantArt. The Volcano tileset was made by PROX. Title Screen levels: Airship level by @DryBonesFan Sky level by @Frostixxee Fortress level by @-OdysseyCentral- Ghost House level by @suni1 Assets were found across the sites: TheSpritersResource, Khinsider, Mario Universe, DeviantArt and MFGG. For Widescreen, Shadows and Improved Performance, use THIS Turbowarp link (both lines): https://turbowarp.org/753049043?hqpen&limitless&size=640x360 To browse the forum faster, use Ocular: https://ocular.jeffalo.net/search?q=%2Btopic%3A%22644767%22&sort=newest What's New: Off-Screen entity movement, Worlds, Flying blocks, Ice blocks, One-Way walls, Track ends, Many blocks can be placed on tracks, Snake blocks, Ice Flower, Blue Shell, Penguin Suit, Boomerang Flower, Cannons, Red Cheep Cheep, Grinders, Bumpers, Burners, Icicles, Crates, Frozen Coins, 10, 30 and 50 Coins, Blue Coins, Monty Mole, Stingby, Fish Bones, Fire Bros, Ice Bros, Boomerang Bros, Mechakoopas, Fuzzies, Eeries, Jelectros, Fire Snake, Podoboo, Banzai Bill, Bull's-Eye Banzai, All Koopalings, Bowser Jr., Bowser, Magic Ball, + Clock, Rope, Arrow Signs, Mountain theme, Cloud theme, More tilesets, Custom camera scroll stop, Taller area height limits, More level options, Improved UI, Entities can be placed in blocks, Improved art for a variety of items, Shadows and Widescreen Support. This project has reached Scratch's code/JSON limit (yes, there is one, it's 5MB, it's why you can't remix after clicking the flag). Therefore, the game can not be updated with new stuff and a sequel with more stuff can not be made. The only way I could add more stuff is if Scratch were to raise the limit. #Games #Super #Mario #Maker 4 #Sequel #Game #New #Platformer #Creator #Editor

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