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WARNING: this game can be really slow if you have several tabs open or low storage/RAM on your computer. Also, if the inventory buttons disappear, then press the pause button again. 2DGalaxyWorld is a free 2D game inspired by Minecraft and Terraria made by me. You can build and destroy structures, and simply have fun when playing around with this game. https://jeffreymaniac.github.io/2DGalaxyWorld

Notes and Credits

Credits to here for the physics: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/41299510/ Credits to other things are in a comment in the backdrop CONTROLS/HOW TO PLAY: Jump - space, w, up arrow Move left - a, left arrow Move right - d, right arrow Inventory - press […] ause - press the pause button (duhh) Attack - f Spawn a random creature - c Break blocks - To destroy blocks, you have to be holding the axe in your hand and click the block that you wanna break. Change skin - pause, then press the change skin button

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