WARNING: this game can be really slow if you have several tabs open or low storage/RAM on your computer. Also, if the inventory buttons disappear, then press the pause button again.
2DGalaxyWorld is a free 2D game inspired by Minecraft and Terraria made by me. You can build and destroy structures, and simply have fun when playing around with this game.
Credits to here for the physics:
Credits to other things are in a comment in the backdrop
Jump - space, w, up arrow
Move left - a, left arrow
Move right - d, right arrow
Inventory - press […]
ause - press the pause button (duhh)
Attack - f
Spawn a random creature - c
Break blocks - To destroy blocks, you have to be holding the axe in your hand and click the block that you wanna break.
Change skin - pause, then press the change skin button