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(VOICE ACTING SPOTS FULL) Here's my own version of Spanish Alphabet Lore (which only has CH, LL, and RR as minor characters in the second epilogue (yes, there are two epilogues)), with some new characters. A: The villain, and the equivalent of F. She is trying to spell "amigos" by kidnapping, killing, and injuring the other letters. Has a secret lair underground (which is different from @NumberMaster999's Hebrew Lore) B: Exact same. C: Exact same. D: Exact same except he does not get captured. E: Exact same except he does not get captured. F: Equivalent of G. G: English G's younger brother, equivalent of I. He is used as a hornlike gun by A. H: A nonliving, insentient bottle of toxic poison. It is nonliving because H is silent in Spanish. I: The main character, and the equivalent of N. J: Exact same. K: Exact same. L: Equivalent of M. M: Equivalent of L except he gets kidnapped. He and O get mad and abuse I after she and A accidentally trip on them, breaking their feet. N: Almost the exact same except he is only a supporting character, not the main character. He is also taller than the English N. Ñ: A helicopter with a grappling hook used to rescue the other letters. She uses the accent/tilde gem that gives her immense strength. It can stun the other letters to make them stressed and sleepy. O: Exact same except he gets captured. P: Exact same. Q: Exact same. R: Exact same but he doesn't get kidnapped. Instead, he gets kicked by A all the way to her secret lair. He also has a bigger role in the second epilogue. S: Exact same. T: Exact same. U: Exact same. V: Exact same except he doesn't leave the labyrinth. W: A sloth who is the equivalent of my Russian Yu. He would unintentionally induce I's nightmare by creeping her out due to his slowness. Don't confuse him for a girl though, as those are NOT eyelashes. He is also the one to leave the labyrinth instead of V. X: Exact same except he doesn't die. He also gets covered in A's goop. Y: Exact same except she gets covered in A's goop. Z: Exact same.

Notes and Credits

Credit to @PhonicLover44 for the bases and Mike Salcedo for the Alphabet Lore.

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