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**Please click the Green Flag twice** NOTE: If you see gray question marks, try reloading the page a couple of times. You can also play the game in TurboWarp to build larger levels and for better performance: https://turbowarp.org/735809043?clones=Infinity Share and post levels in the Level Forum: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/631041/ ========================================= Welcome to SUPER MARIO FOR SCRATCH MAKER DELUXE! A remaster of Super Mario For Scratch Maker by @Brad-Games, which is based on his series of fan-games. EDITOR CONTROLS -Arrow Keys/WASD to move the camera; hold X/M to move the camera faster -Use the mouse pointer to use the item pointer -Press E to switch the pointer to eraser mode -Press T to switch alternate tiles/NPCs (e.g. terrain) -Press R to rotate tiles -Press Y to access different object properties (i.e. colors of pipes) -Press H to hide/show the editor interface -Press the Magnifying Glass or Space/Key 0 to access the entire level panel -Use the recent item selection to quickly access items (you can also use keyboard numbers 1-5 as a shortcut) -Click the clapboard in the bottom left or the enter key to test/edit your level. Hold B to begin from the start of the level -Click and hold on Mario in the Editor to drag him in the editor space. Press G to warp him to the mouse pointer -Click the gears icon on the top right to access more level settings (e.g. timer, goal type, etc) -Access the game styles and level themes with the upper left icons PLAYER CONTROLS The Deluxe version has two types of move-set options: -Modern Controls contain new moves and enhanced physics for the game styles -Classic Controls set the move-set identical to how it was in their original games **A Dollar Sign ($) indicates the move is exclusive to modern mode** Basic Controls -WASD/Arrow Keys to move -W/Up to jump or swim -Press down key/S on accessible pipes -Press enter to access the pause menu 1. Super Mario For Scratch $ Down Arrow/S to crouch 2. Super Mario For Scratch 2 -Down Arrow/S to crouch. You can also crawl while crouching -Press in the direction of a wall while in midair to wall slide; press Up/W to perform a Wall Jump -Press the down key to ground pound $ Jump on impact after pounding to perform a Ground Pound Jump -Press space in midair for a midair jump 3. Super Mario For Scratch 3 $ Down Arrow/S to crouch $ Jump while crouching to perform a backflip $ Press Z/M to perform a roll. You can jump out of a roll in midair and preserve your momentum $ Hold Z/M to carry objects 4. Super Mario For Scratch Maker 4 $ Jump three times consecutively to perform a Triple Jump -Press in the direction of a wall while in midair to wall slide; press Up/W to perform a Wall Jump -Down Arrow/S to crouch. Press left/right while crouching to Long Jump -Press the down key to ground pound $ Jump on impact after pounding to perform a Ground Pound Jump $ Press space for a spin attack, which can damage enemies. You can also perform a spin attack again when wall sliding -Press space in midair for a midair jump -Press Z/M to dive -Hold Z/M to carry objects SAVING/LOADING LEVELS Post levels in the Level Forum to share it with others: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/631041/ -To save your level, click the gears icon in the level editor for the level settings and click save (make sure it is copied correctly!) -To load a level for editing, access the level settings in the editor and click the Load icon to paste the code -To simply play a level, click Play Level in the menu to paste NEW FEATURES *Most new changes in the Deluxe version is based on my original game engine from 2D Adventure* -A brand new level editor system and interface (based on the one I made for 2D World Maker) -More level themes from the original games along with a few custom ones -More enemies, power-ups, and objects from the original games -New physics and NPC collision, along with vertical scrolling -More collectibles, such as Power Stars/Bolts and Red Coins -Levels can contain up to three areas; game styles and themes can also different in each area

Notes and Credits

Check out my new maker game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/956564232/ Polly the Frog is now available as an extra game style! To select it, go to the SMFS2 style and click on the ellipsis (...) button -Fun Fact: The Mario sprite in that game style is from the unfinished version of Super Mario of Scratch 4! CREDITS **More details are listed in the project** -Original project and vision by @Brad-Games -Majority of vector assets, logos, sprites, and animations by @Brad-Games -Level editor created by @mariofan235 -Encoding/decoding system by @griffpatch -Music and sound effects from YouTube and various cover artists -Nintendo for ownership of the Mario franchise And, as always, you for playing! Ever since the original Super Mario For Scratch Maker was released, there were so many ideas and features I wish were added. My goal was not just to add the original game, but to make it the true cumulation of the entire series and @Brad-Games' legacy. This was very difficult to adapt to my engine due to the plethora of vector assets and sprites, but after half of year of work I accomplished it! Thank you everyone for all your support and patience. I still have plenty of more ideas to add, so make sure to let me know some of yours! I cannot wait to see what levels you make! UPDATE HISTORY 1.0 (9/23/22) - Released! Also periodically adding more levels in the title screen -1.1: Added a prompt to use TurboWarp if past Scratch's object limit; TurboWarp level detector; other bug fixes -1.2: Added another Title Screen level; more bug fixes 2.0 (2/6/23) -2.0.1: Bug fixes -2.1 (9/17/23) New extra game style #games #mario #marioforscratch #mariomaker #supermariomaker #supermarioforscratchmaker

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