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it's bad on purpose because you're supposed to remix with different costumes smh, if you don't like this then look at my other projects watch twice for proper sync **PLEASE** check inside to know how to remix or else it won't work, if it's too hard to understand just ask me the scores are an EXAMPLE, i'm sorry for making it kinda hard to see how to change it inside :/ just pay attention to anything marked with asterisks **like this** and that should be it proper remix example - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/736223911 Hmm...the bad word detector thinks there is a problem with your text. Please change it and remember to be respectful. just a filler for now, i promise my next project will be amazing like actually plz trust me #animations #music #stories #tutorials #stoptaggingunrelatedtagstoyourprojectsjustforclout @golden_rod

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