make costumes and stuff for your boss and the attacks and stuff! make different weapons yourself and test them. i wonder how yall twist this lol
UPDATE 1.0.2
Radiation damage bonuses after using supers
Super attacks now target your mouse
Bombs do tons more damage
There was a crOssover. We triEd to make it haRder to notice. But sadly, they got past the DEFENSEs.
UPDATE 1.0.1
Added new circle weapon
New super rocket [press p to use]
Added end screens
Updated the notes and credits to include the super attacks
Breaking boxes now grants super meter
Boxes now increase boss hp
UPDATE 1.0.1 1/2 NOTES:
teasers, teasers...
-Changed the crackshot to a powerful missile
-Made the boss's hitbox visilbe
- (Removed the boss's skin)
-Super bomb now takes twice the time to get to the boss
- Bombs can now remove the red blocks
-New third attack (homing missile)
And.. uh.. prob a few more lol
press 9 to swap to the default keybinds, which are uhh uhh
a - left
s - down
d - right
w - up
e - shoot weapon
q - swap weapon
z - instashield
x - super move [bomb]
p - super move [rocket]
c to swap to custom keybinds
pasteables for keybinds [arrow keys]
left arrow | down arrow | up arrow | right arrow