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(Scroll Alert) Seriously, go look at this: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1126700326/ ---------------------------------Important------------------------------- This project is now closed. No further updates are going to be made to the project. --------------------------------Instructions----------------------------- Arrow keys Down does nothing ---------------------------------WARNING----------------------------- DO NOT ENABLE TURBO MODE ON SLOW COMPUTERS, AS TURBO MOVE GENERATES A LOT OF LAG Breaking news! This is the first result that is shown when searching "run 3 hacked" WE MADE IT TO 10K VIEWS!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I DIDNT THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE BUT WE DID IT!!!!!! TYSM!!!!!

Notes and Credits

(Scroll Alert) Make sure you check out my profile page, okay? I have other (worse) projects that might be worth some time. This may not make it to 10k views, but maybe other projects can. Please help me out here. (I take it back, we actually made it to 10k views) (I take it back, we made it to 10k!) If you search for run 3 and scroll down a bit, my game is one of the first that loads. Do you guys think I should add the score counter back? Shoutouts from 8K event: #1: @Hello_53291 #2: @MaxLabsDeveloping #3: @PierreGabon #4: @Qwerttui1818 Shoutouts from 9k views event: #1: @jacorust29 #2: @BlobbyStudios #3: @per6natsu-c8 #4: @sedsioa1000 #5: @1234SonxGD If this project reaches 100 loves and favs, I will officially make this into something completely different. You will still be invincible, but I will add things that do things. 10k views I gotta stop updating this whole (x) views thing, but I wont :D

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