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Former WR (This is a 2'14.2): scratch.mit.edu/discuss/youtube/kQ2CWvxGn18/ The new MMO map: colors! Run, jump (and walljump and spin jump and high jump) through six different hues, and then climb the gray mountain to the final flag. Warning: A bit long. There is also a large stickman in each color section. Most of them require high/spin jumps to reach. Oh, and there is also a stickman in the gray section... Press 1-9 (and then 0 and - and = and enter) to teleport. Your time does not get saved though. Here are my personal bests. Normal: 2'11.4 Crouchless (don't press down): 3'33.6 Checkpoints (grab all checkpoints): 3'21.2 Double C (crouchless+checkpoints): 4'12.9 Bounce (Hold up arrow entire run): 4'05.0 BC (Bounce and Checkpoints): 5'13.7 Stickman (Touch all SM besides gray): 4'21.9 Stickpoints (Stickman and checkpoints): 4'34.6 World leaderboard: 1. 1'57.1 @r2urur-u-r-u-r-ur- 2. 1'58.2 @DNEGEL_MMO 3. 2'09.6 @4Mahoney21 (me) 4. 2'16.5 @luis_sm 5. 2'54.x @sat181321 6. 3'00.0 One of my friends (no account) 7. 3'21.7 @sunbearsrock 8. 3'40.1 @Pandyfilms 9. 3.45.4 @grazer________ 10. 4'19.9 @4Kroger24 11. 4'45.4 @sat181201 12. 4'27.1 @BigBirb3 13. 5'54.0 @FlowerDog100 14. 6'35.2 @LilloGingillo 15. 6'45.3 @PizzaPizza72 16. 8'20.1 @Jimmy_Jai1203 17. 8'21.3 Another one of my friends (no account) 18. 8'27.7 @MEMESBRO For true pros: Try to do the whole course backward. Requires parachute.

Notes and Credits

Thanks to @Pandyfilms for spotting a glitch in the map. You could skip a good part of the light blue section with it... 9/18 - Why is this getting so many views I'm getting over 10 per day 9/19: 105 views Later on 9/19: 114 views 9/22: 170, this is ridiculous 10/25: 314!!! (I like pi) 1/10: 750. 2*3*5*5*5 8/5: Okay it's at 1844 now. I kind of gave up on this part, so I missed 1000 and 1500. I'll probably not touch this for a while. 9/8: 1957 - I'm going to delete this section at 2000 9/13: 1999 WHY 9/14: 2005. I decided to just thin out the unnecessary parts. 11/18: 2602. I missed 2500. 2/7: 2999 WHY PT. 2 2/8: 3002.

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