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**PLEASE READ BEFORE PLAYING** It may be long but it is vital to be able to play the game properly. Highly Recommended that you; -Play using turbo mode on (shift + click the green flag) -Play on full screen -Or play on turbowarp https://turbowarp.org/625674683 **DIFFICULTY LEVELS** 1.Civilian - No AI, 25% faster war goal justification, +50% political power gain 2.Recruit, Mild AI, +25% political power gain 3.Regular, standard settings 4.Veteran, Very Aggressive AI, 25% slower war goal justification, -25% political power gain **HOW TO PLAY**- 1.How to play as a nation - Press start and then click on the corresponding flag of the Nation you want to play as (Information will be projected on the bottom left hand box) and simply press the Select and play button. 2.View information on a province - Left clicking a province will show you; it's owner, how many factories it has, how much manpower per month it produces and what troops are stationed there. 3.View information about your nation - You can do this by clicking on your national flag on the top left corner, this will show you; your nation's name, how much political power you have (next to the pantheon icon), how much stability you have (next to the scale icon) and your Ideology, Leader and Faction. - You can also view who you are at war with by hovering over the Swords icon, view who you have a Non-Aggression pact with by hovering over the Pen and paper icon and finally who you are in a faction with by hovering over the Handshake icon. 4.How to move troops - Open up a province > click military > select units > input the list positions of your own troops (note you cannot select other nation's units) > exit the province menu > hover over a adjacent province > press the "Z" key (note if the province you click on is not adjacent, it will deselect all selected troops) 5.How to deploy troops - Press the "U" key > select a division template you would like train (these can be found in the grey "Templates" box) > press the "train" button (you must have the sufficient resources to train a unit, the cost can be found by hovering over the name of the template) > wait for the unit to train up 6.How to see how much resources you have - you can either; Press the "L" key to view the logistics menu, look at the Deployment resources list in the deployment menu or hover over the resource name in the production menu. 7.How to produce resources - press the "Y" key > assign factories to the corresponding resource you would like to produce (press the +/- buttons accordingly), how many factories you have and have used can be found at the top of the menu. 8.How to construct buildings - press the "T" key > select the building you would like to construct at the top > select its location > wait for it to construct 9.Engage in diplomacy - click on a province owned by the other nation > press the small flag icon above the province name > press the according button for diplomacy 10.Declaring war - press the declare war button (this will require you to not have a non-aggression pact or be in a faction with the other nation) > select a war goal from the list (if there is none then you may need to justify a war goal) 11.Entering a faction - there are several ways of doing this; First > You can create a faction by pressing the button of the same name if both parties are factionless. Second > You can ask to join a faction by pressing the button of the same name if the other nation has a faction and you are factionless Final > You can invite a nation to your faction 12.Accessing the Settings Menu - This can be done by pressing the "M" key or the Options button on the main menu.

Notes and Credits


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