I HIGHLY recommend playing this game on Turbowarp because expect the game to break (interpolation makes the movement more smooth and there is no clone limit when infinite clones are enabled):
Here it is! Bloons Tower Defense! Enjoy friends!
This is my first proper game (the others are either remixes or prototype versions) so please don't blame me for the unprofessionalism. :)
Now available on itch.io! Link:
Stop any of the enemies (Bloons) from escaping the maze by the building towers. They can throw darts, bombs and even sending out tacks and ice.
Here are the links (as I promised):
Bloons Tower Defense:
Bloons Tower Defense 2:
Update History:
Current Version: 4.1
Version 4.1: Dart Tower attack speed increased.
Version 4.0: Super Monkey hitbox fixed alongside tower layering bug.
Version 3.9: Super Monkey attacks every 0.01 seconds instead of every 0.04.
Version 3.8: Bomb projectile layering fixed.
Version 3.7: The pre-round comments now become transparent when hovered over by the mouse.
Version 3.6: Spikey Ball Tower Attack signficantly decreased from 1.4 seconds to 2 seconds. Now classed as a slow shooting tower.
Version 3.5: Tack Tower Attack Speed increased from shooting every 1.8 seconds to 1.5 seconds.
Version 3.4: Dart projectile size increased by 4%. Fixed tower layering issues and glitches.
Version 3.3: Dart Tower Attack Speed increased from shooting ever 0.6 seconds to every 0.45 seconds.
Version 3.2: Decrease pierce of spikey ball tower and attack speed from attacking every second to every 1.4. Now it is classed as attacking with medium speed.
Version 3.1: Changed cost of spikey ball tower from 650 to 1000 money. It was simply too OP and too easy to purchase and spam them. XD
Also the unaffordable now works for the spikey ball tower.
Version 3.0: A new tower has been added, the Spikey Ball Tower! This tower was scrapped when this game was in development in 2007. It shoots 4 spikey balls. This is an extremely useful tower that is even better than tack tower's late game.
Version 2.9: Added two new sound tracks, the menu theme song from Raft Wars and the menu theme song from Raft Wars 2.
Now all bloons spawned with be rotated slightly randomly.
Version 2.8: All Bloons types have increased in movement speed.
Red Bloon: 2.2 - 2.5
Blue Bloon: 3 - 3.5
Green Bloon: 4 - 4.5
Yellow Bloon: 7 - 8
Black Bloon: 3.5 - 5
White Bloon: 4 - 6
I wanted the red bloon to not look so slow and trailing. My main focus was making the Black bloons and White bloons a lot more powerful because I think late game was quite disappointing. So the main increases were towards the black and white bloons.
I also added Dr Zomboss theme from PvZ as a new soundtrack and the game over screen layering should be resolved now.
Version 2.7: Added 4 different songs as music for the game! First is Bloons IOS theme song, second is Sunshine Boulevard (from Learn to Fly 1 game), third is BTD4 theme song and final is the Old original BTD5 theme song. Identical to my Bloons Tower Defense Supermonkey game. Hope you guys are happy. :D
Version 2.5: Bomb Tower now shoots every 1 second or so (0.2 seconds faster than before) and the projectiles move much faster. Start button no longer appears after round 50.
Version 2.3: Tack Tower attack speed increased from shooting every 1.8 seconds to 1.6 seconds. This should make dealing with yellow bloons far easier. ;)
Version 2.2: Tack Tower attack speed increased from shooting every 2 seconds to every 1.8 seconds. Should make tack towers only challenge easier and more doable.
Version 2.0: Changed tack tower projectiles. Now tacks share the same AI as darts, this is critical because now tacks have only one pierce, before it was infinite making the tack tower OP. As the second version, I also added a nice little surprise. Don't tell. ;)
Credits to bloonsfan12345 for reminding me of this and asking me to implement it into the game.
Renamed project from Bloons Tower Defense 1 on Scratch to Bloons Tower Defense just like the thumbnail! Any other BTD1 features that you want to see, please let me know (apart from upgrades XD).
Version 1.9: Changed bomb tower attack speed from 1.4 to 1.
Version 1.8: Changed dart tower attack speed from 0.4 to 0.6.
Version 1.7: Changed tack tower attack speed from 1.6 to 2. Changed thumbnail from original to current one.
Version 1.4: Ice Tower Bug is 90% fixed. Previously some bloons would move supersonic and become invincible. If it got through, it was a game over.
Version 1.2: Fixed tower range circles. Bug where when one tower was selected range circles for all of its tower type was shown.
Version 1: Game released
Thank you for 30000 views! :D
True release date: 26th June 2022
Bloons Tower Defense 3 is NOW OUT!!!
Thanks so much for making this game the
#4 most popular Bloons Tower Defense game out on scratch!!! You guys all rock! :D
This project is definitely far from perfect and a little buggy but nothing too major! I think my speciality is animations, certainly not games! So please bare with me, I hope you don't mind there being no upgrades and no selling. If you think this game is remotely similar to the actual BTD 1 made by ninjakiwi please show your support with a heart and star. Much appreciated! :D
I would like to thank Warframe and Shiftclicklearn for their helpful tower defense videos. They helped me create the wave spawn system, tower aiming, money/live system and even placing the towers. Invaluable information!
Super Tower Defence Alpha v0.8 by AdamatheKing played a huge role. That let me create actual projectiles rather than using costumes from the towers.
Will_Wam for the music theme song button. The rest I had to figure out myself. XD
I would like to give all of these coders a big shout out as they really did make this project possible, I am no real coder just so you know just like the great majority of scratchers. I just work hard!
Just doing this to pay homage to Bloons Tower Defense, if anything doing this project has given me a deeper appreciation of this piece of history and allowed me to discover the attention to detail this game actually has. Simplicity and charm at its finest!
#btd #bloonstowerdefense #td #bloonstd1 #bloons #bloon #towerdefence #ninjakiwi #bloonstd