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Now avaliable for everyone to use! Including @Numpty-From-DWtD (who will use the alive versions of Numpty and the other beans). A message for @Numpty-From-DWtD: When you start using the alive assets in newer episodes, here are some changes for your fanmade DWtD TV series: 1. Numpty will be bald (without his head on fire) in his new (alive) body asset. 2. Hapless will keep his head on his body in his new (alive) body asset. 3. Pillock will have no lumps on his body, and he will be in an egg-shaped body in a new look. Pillock will also have a new (alive) body asset. 4. Dippy will still have his bottom half uneaten and will have a new (alive) body design. 5. Dummkopf will have a new (alive) body. The same thing goes with Stupe. 6. Lax will have no puke all around his face in his new (alive) body asset. 7. Clod will have a new body asset; the same thing like with Dummkopf and Stupe. 8. Mishap will be alive without a rattlesnake latched to his eye, and he'll have a new (alive) body asset. 9. Calamity will no longer be frozen anymore. She will have a new (alive) body asset and will no longer be immobilized. 10. Botch will no longer have bleeding holes on his body. He will have a new (alive) body asset. 11. Stumble will have a new body design, but still, Stumble will have no earbuds or phone, but sometimes he will still have them in fewer episodes. 12. Dimwit will make a debut in a new episode with a new (alive) body design, but he will still be introduced in newer episodes. 13. Doomed once only appeared in the intro, but he will still be included in newer episodes. 14. Numskull once appeared in a Season One episode, "The First Bean in Space", but she will have a new (alive) body design, but she will also be introduced in newer episodes. 15. Bungle will be included and introduced in newer episodes and will make a debut in a new episode one day. 16. Dunce once appeared in an episode, "The Fan of the Fan" and in the intro, but he will have a new body design, and still, he will be included in newer episodes. 17. Ninny once appeared in "Bird Feeding", "Here Comes the Plane" and the intro, but he will have a new body look and will still be included in newer episodes. 18. Doofus will make a debut in a new episode with a new (alive) body look, but he will also be included in newer episodes. 19. Bonehead will make a debut in a newer episode with a new (alive) body asset, and he will be included in newer episodes. 20. Putz will also make a debut in a new episode with a new (alive) body asset, and he will also be included in newer episodes.

Notes and Credits

Download link (For @Numpty-From-DWTD): Dumb Ways to Die © PlaySide Studios

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