GameBox is a cool game console. It can play music and run real games!
Do not criticize if the game (not the console) has not started. There is a cartridge in my other project. You need to press the "See inside" button and take the "cart" sprite, move it into the backpack. Go into this project and just move this cartridge into this project. And launch the console. Click "Play" to start the game! Do not run multiple cartridges.
@Vanya_56757 invented GameBox.
@GlebOS-ru created a GameBox.
@TextameInc helped me create a GameBox.
0.1 - date unknown - Created an Animation when starting the console and Dashboard (Cube, glow and Welcome).
0.2 - 08 Jul. 2022 - Welcome animated. Added a play button. Now
you can finally play. Added animation when starting the game. Added an exit from game. The first game was created: clicker with cake.
0.3 - July 09. 2022 - Fixed a bug: The console does not see the cartridge. Not a beautiful animation at startup is also fixed.
Added another game console noise. This noise is from Xbox Original. The most important thing is the media button. Now the game console can play music (only one track). Music can be recorded on cartridges. Added animation and sounds to the button.