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The Untitled Editor: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/714493738/ IMPORTANT: you need to use Turbo Mode. to turn on turbo mode, Shift+click on the green flag. WASD or arrow keys to play. Pink is bad The pink cubes EXPLODE!!! This project is made to run at VERY high speeds. and if the the project is not in sync, it means that the project could not run at the speed it needed to. There are several things that can cause that, most likely, the project started slow, and can be fixed by clicking the green flag again. This project was made to run on the google chrome browser and if you are not using it then that would do it. the final cause is that your device is to slow and sadly, I can't fix that.

Notes and Credits

This is not the level from JSAB. I made this level and it is not the same. #Fun #Cool #jsab #awesome #play_it_all_the_time #Just #shapes #and #beats #song #needs #turbo #mode #green #flag #Jsab ==================Updates================= 6-24-2022. I added an epic thumbnail. 6-24-2022. I fixed the damage counter! 6-24-2022. Added more convincing motion effect and broke the damage counter... Again XD 6-23-2022. Fixed damage counter. 6-12-2022. Added and smoothed particle effects. 6-10-2022. SHARED THE PROJECT!!!

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