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Slain.io v4 is nearly complete ! Check it out: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1052340233/ ------------------------------- If you've encountered performance issues, use the turbowarp link below. Note that it may have glitches. https://turbowarp.org/702999608/fullscreen?fps=60 ------------------------------- * What's the main goal of this game? To grow as strong as possible and to progress through as many areas as you can. Go to the right to find a new area, with stronger monsters !

Notes and Credits

Slain.io V4 is being made ! Check it out: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1052340233/ ------------------------------- This is my first project: a remake of slain.io, an online game that got shut down more than 7 years ago (5 at the moment of creation of this project). I still update this, but very rarely. Updates: 21/08/2024: made the walking animation smoother, also armor is now hidden if it's at 0% (before you could see a very small dark gray outline on the player). New turbowarp link that may be less glitchy. 10/04/2023: Fixed some bugs, now when cheats are enabled you can press J to go to the precedent area or L to go the next one. 09/04/2023: Improved the player movement code 09/10/2022 (2): All enemies damage/attack speed are now more like the original game. Caterpillars now deal damage when they ram into you while dashing. Higher areas may or may not be more balanced. 09/10/2022 (1): All enemies size are now very similar to the original game (even in the higher areas). Slasher damage, and player size are now more accurate. 07/10/2022: Added a "customization" menu where you can change enemies and player appearence. 06/10/2022: Area 10 up to 19 are a bit more balanced now. 05/10/2022 (again): Now works better with other screen resolutions (ex: 1920*1080) on turbowarp. Added a new link with good resolution and fps. 05/10/2022: You can now swap between old theme (slain.io) or basic theme (tochky.online) 04/10/2022: Enemies/player reskin; "better" cheats/hacks, no movement speed limit option, some bug fixes... 01/10/2022: Damage Reflection now works properly! (also sound but its unfinished) 14/07/2022: Added slashers with attack animation, fixed a few bugs. (v2.0) 11/07/2022: Even better enemies, caterpillars now have an attack animation. 07/07/2022: More accurate enemies, better upgrade menu: you can now use numkeys and/or keys 1-9 to upgrade your stats. 01/07/2022: Fixed bug where game wouldn't start. 30/06/2022: Upgraded minimap: now show far away enemies and type of enemies. 26/06/2022: Added minimap. ~ 16/07/2022: shared ~ 10/06/2022: created To do: - Balancing (especially area 10+) . . . - Add classes (?) - fix everything

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