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----VHS Sans----- 4 - Unfair attack 5 - Blue soul 6 - Red soul 7- Summon sans 9- Change expression 0- Change eyes? Space - Slice WASD- Slam ( I need to fix it ) C B N M - Bone attacks F T Y K - More bone attacks R - special button you can change some bone sizes V - Big Bone U I - Bone spears G H - Gaster blasters J L - B o n e s O P - BONES --- ??? --- 8- Summon ??? 1 2 3 K- Bone attacks -------...----- Arrow keys - move E - Heal Z- Select X- Deselect ---------------- Base: @Modeck Engine: @Nikarosi Sans/ Papyrus sprites: Werdna-5002 and edited by me Gaster blasters sprites: @Sansiago but edited by me Update: Added Phases

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