Full Screen is recommended.
click on the buttons to beat up Squidward.
please don't report.
keep in mind i can add your attacks onto this game if you add some in your remix. (Nuke and Sp00ky Troll were added here btw, they came from remixes)
credits goes to anyone who owns their content in this project
i tried my best to make the Spongebob and Patrick attacks better. :P
true credits:
superluigi16 - original project.
Plu1223 - Luigi sprite.
Nickelodeon - Spongebob, Patrick, Squidward, etc.
Nintendo - Mario, Luigi, etc.
Scratch (duh) - Scratch Cat, Pico (the Scratch character), etc.
SEGA - Sonic, Tails, etc.
everyone else - the rest of the things I'm crediting them for.
version 1.0 - release
version 1.1 - pages added, 2 new buttons (Hide and Sonic and Super_Isaac_64)
version 1.2 - 4 new buttons (Dark Master Chief, Feline Fighter, Explosion and Sad Troll)
version 1.3 - 3 new buttons (Dark Matter, Rare Mario, CMC) and 1 new song (Wind of Fjords)
version 1.4 - 3 new buttons (Purple-Yellow Mario, CICA and Bowser), gave more life to Squidward
version 1.5 (what a long time since i updated this) - expanded page 1, added 8 new buttons, added 1 new song (Pixel Pasta) and added the post-end music as a part of the music that plays on the game
version 1.6 - added 4 buttons. not much else.
version 1.7 - added several buttons. (11 in total)