A and D - Move player left/right
W - Jump
Space - Place block
============> Updates <===========
UPDATE V1 (May 18):
- Basic Tile scrolling + looping
UPDATE V2 (May 24):
- Added new tiles
UPDATE V3 (June 1)
-Added world generation
-Added loading screen
UPDATE V4: (June 9)
-Added player
-Added tile collision
UPDATE V5: (June 16)
-Added Pickaxes
-Added selector for mining
-Added block breaking
UPDATE V6: (June 28)
-Added Backgrounds and transitioning when you switch
-Lighting engine
UPDATE V7: (July 5)
-Added tile dropping
-Inventory system (not complete)
UPDATE V8: (July 19)
-Added inventory UI
-Any picked up items will be stored in your inventory
UPDATE V9: (August 3)
-Added block placing and breaking
-Any block mined with another one on top falls together
UPDATE V10: (August 23)
-Added Money Counter
-Spawn Platform