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A and D - Move player left/right W - Jump Space - Place block ============> Updates <=========== UPDATE V1 (May 18): - Basic Tile scrolling + looping UPDATE V2 (May 24): - Added new tiles UPDATE V3 (June 1) -Added world generation -Added loading screen UPDATE V4: (June 9) -Added player -Added tile collision UPDATE V5: (June 16) -Added Pickaxes -Added selector for mining -Added block breaking UPDATE V6: (June 28) -Added Backgrounds and transitioning when you switch -Lighting engine UPDATE V7: (July 5) -Added tile dropping -Inventory system (not complete) UPDATE V8: (July 19) -Added inventory UI -Any picked up items will be stored in your inventory UPDATE V9: (August 3) -Added block placing and breaking -Any block mined with another one on top falls together UPDATE V10: (August 23) -Added Money Counter -Spawn Platform

Notes and Credits

All art from @ShiftClickLearn Tutorial from him as well @Learning_Voyager for providing a copy of the game in case I run into bug fixes

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