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[1 to 9] - Select Item [X+hover] - Trade  [Click] - Place or Mine [WASD] - Move / Jump  [E] - Open/Close Inventory [E+hover] - Open / Close Chest, Crafting Table, Door [Space] - Drop single tile from a stack while dragging. [F] - Eat food       [N] - Label a sign or chest [Q] - Drop item      [P] - Pause / Unpause [T] - Talk / Command    [O] - Save your game [M] - Music / Sounds   [Z] - Sprint [Z] - Bring something in or out of inventory As of April 22 2022, this project is getting 1000+ views a day, that's 1 view every minute! PAPER MINECRAFT MOD UPDATED 1.19 update, 1.18 update, 1.17 update, 1.16 update stuff added new tree types, new biomes, new blocks, new mobs, new foods, new structures. more structures! with trading!

Notes and Credits

I'm making a new mod soon. : ) Check today at 1:30 pm. 5,000 VIEWS!!!!!!!! : DD Guys I realized something is up with this project so i don't know. It shows question marks and i don't know how to fix it guys. : ( 2000 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : OOOO THANK YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH!!!!! ✨ PLEASE READ IF IT DOESN'T LOAD FOR YOU: 1st: You can close out all your tabs 2nd: If that doesn't work open this game go to another tab then keep coming back to this page every 3-5 seconds ✨ Contents inside game: You find out for yourself lol. But I am going to say it's pretty neat! How would I get 2000 views? ✨ But guys really I'm really shocked! I never thought I would have had this much views on any of my projects. This is really amazing. I knew this account will be my best account!

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