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(Game release: 4/14/22) (Shutdown = update) ---------------------------------------- Note: Please don’t say system menu codes and the access code, thank you. ——————————————— To finish reading a book get to the last page then click again. ——————————————— Want to learn how to decompile BBIUSDX? Check this project out!: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/723274126 (credit to @malachi63746) --------------------------------------------------- Baldi’s Basics in Ultra Survival is back, and better than ever! Yup, the game is finally here: BALDI’S BASICS IN ULTRA SURVIVAL DELUXE! The awesome new version of BBIUS, this game has many improvements like movement for characters, more community submitted characters, and best of all: MORE CHAOS! This game is not complete yet, but keep checking back each time it updates to see new stuff! So what are you waiting for? Let’s play!

Notes and Credits

CREDITINGS: MoldyGH @NumerousUselessCode @hudmaceachern The sound distance script maker. (I forgot their name :/) Baldi Anim8or model by: Splinta Dinta Baldi's Basics by: Mystman12 and Basically, Games! The "Baldi Survival" series by: Me! Baldi NPC (and Jaden cause I duplicated Baldi for him and changed his code a bit): @Golden_Cookies1 Jaden: @testaccountfortest Ehol10: @freehol_ehol10 Chalkboard idea for gamemodes screen: @BaldiColtPop Funny chalk drawings by me Playtime music remix: @kylefilm Boxy’s paper sheet: @4dsfunk Anyone who made a vector that is in this game: Anyone ???? voiced by me.

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