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Get stuck at the start of a level? No-Clip your way out with Q (hold it) BEFORE YOU COMMENT: omg io this is so cool how did u make it??!/!?!?!, look in the Notes & Credits. Play in turbowarp for the best experience. instructions https://turbowarp.org/666663666/fullscreen are down ================Instructions================== Arrow Up / W - Move Forward Arrow Down / S - Move Backwards A - Walk Left D - Walk Right Arrow Left - Look left Arrow Right - Look Right Z - Automap -/+ Zoom in or out in the automap or increase / decrease quality (Hold) Q - Enter NoClip for walking through doors or getting un-stuck becouse of the buggy collision script. 1-5 Switch between the 5 levels. (See: Notes & Credits.) ================Information=================== If you want to go out, and play the original DOOM II, it has some gory pixel art, gun violence and blood. DOOM II is the sequel of the hit game DOOM, made by ID Software in 1993. DOOM II came out the following year. The game was graphically advanced for at the time, supporting all of the 256 colors (yes, 256) most computers supported, a fully texture-mapped enviroment (This game/experiment only has color and no textures), shadows that are baked into the map, and not rendered at real time. But most importantly: Binary Space Partitioning, a ground-breaking 3D technique that only existed in theory and allowed the use of height differences. The head developer, John Carmack, made a engine based on that. It also required a beefy 486 processor, a beast for the time.

Notes and Credits

@Vadik1 for the wad2scratch converter, and the engine. What I did: All I did was add the following DOOM 2 levels: Entryway (MAP01 - key 1), Dead Simple (MAP07 - key 2), The Icon of Sin (MAP30 - key 3), Wolfenstein 3-D (MAP31 - key 4) and Grosse (MAP32 - key 5), I also connected the collision script blocks and added noclip mode. (Not made the collision myself, that also was @Vadik1)

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