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NO LONGER SUPPORTED. PLAY THIS ONE INSTEAD: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/341589959 [Space] - increase thrust [S] - decrease thrust [Left arrow] - pull up [Right arrow] - pitch down [Q, A] - change flaps [G] - toggle landing gear [B] - brakes [F] - toggle seatbelt light (it does save lives) [D] - dump fuel (requires confirmation, [D] to continue, other key to cancel) [Z , X] - spoilers Extra controls: [9] - show/hide crash data [i ] - show/hide runway list (yellow number is your location, items with 1= runway) UPDATE: Yellow numbers no longer appear in Scratch 3.0, so you will not see your location. ----------------------------------------- Having trouble trying to fly? READ BELOW: TAKING-OFF: 1. Set flaps to 17° (depends on weight, etc.) 2. Increase thrust using [space], and accelerate to about 230kph. 3. Press [<] to pitch up off the runway. You want a pitch around 10 degrees. 4. Press [G] to raise landing gear 5. When safely cruising, press [F] to turn off seatbelt light. LANDING: 1. Apply seatbelt light with [F] (you want to notify your passengers) 2. Wait for the information to say you have reached runway. 3. Lower landing gear with [G] 4. Level out to 0° pitch. 5. Slow down enough, so you slowly glide to the ground. ----------------------------------------- Sound effects: Soundbible.com A380: [unknown, image source was lost]

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