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Note that people must read before commenting: There is one bot that appears if nobody else is online (note added for people who post before checking code) Move around with WASD and press space to slap <ΛV> also moves you Slap battles is a game where you slap your friends off the map, earn points, and get better hands. can you get to the top of the leaderboard? This game is very unfinished, as evident by all the placeholder art and lack of hands.

Notes and Credits

Just in case you don't have scratch cloud variables: https://turbowarp.org/648893973/fullscreen?interpolate&hqpen Music by BlueEngineer3 After 2 or 3 years of development I finally made a half decant cloud multiplayer system. this is the first game made with it. This game is still in its testing stages so if you find bugs or have some feedback, please comment it down below Also see some of my other projects: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/765768739/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/859413876/

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