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Use in whatever, Credit would be nice too IF THE PROJECT CRASHES OR SPRITES DON'T LOAD, just keep reloading until it all loads. none of the sprites should be that gray question mark box!

Notes and Credits

Ripped from SRB2 2.2.9 via SLADE Music remixed by JX FAQ: Q: Why is everyone green? A: The game is built off of DOOM, where Doomguy's green suit was recolored for color customization. The color was also used in SRB2, most likely just for convenience Q: How did you rip these? A: SLADE, a program that allows you to view the data inside DOOM/SRB2 files. Q: Why did you rip these? A: cause I felt like it Q: Hotel? A: Trivago Q: When is S&TEF coming out A: never, Sparky Cosmic Calamity Q: question A: answer Fun Fact: sparky kart https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/642586360/

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