Make any edit just like in fortnite.
Press g to confirm your edit, and press it again when you want to edit again.
If the edit is not valid the piece will not change
*For the best experience, play on turbowarp with high FPS:
Original project made by osuplayer123.
Huge New Update!
*Press f to reset builds, configurable
*Press g to edit, configurable
*Press Change Blockchange bind to change a block when you press a key (like left mouse click)
*Edit on release
*Auto confirm reset (press reset key to automatically reset)
*If you do an invalid edit, the blocks turn red instead of letting you edit it
*Added a couple of building pieces I should have added from the start.
*Started update log.
*Fixed a bug where making an invalid edit and pressing the blockchange button doesn't change the blocks back to blue.
*FINALLY made it so you can't edit while you can see the piece.
*Made a minor change to the thumbnail.