the inspiration for this was the annual mit mystery hunt:
specifically, the 2021 mystery hunt, although the 2022
hunt just finished a few weeks ago.
it took me a while to come up with this idea—I actually came up with two more full games similar to the quality of "a normal platformer tutorial," but I realized I couldn't pull them off because it would take me way too long to code.
in a sense, this is my first "big" project in half a year—it's something that I spent countless hours and a lot of effort in.
I probably made this too hard—to solve these stages, you need to have a extremely specific skillset, but clearly if you're reading this, you've beaten the challenge. thank you for persevering, especially if the levels were challenging (such as the dead ends of level 2 and 3, think I made them too hard oops).
here's the full list of credits:
the 2021 mit mystery hunt for inspiration
@-savior- for inspiring me to try to make some sort of effect in the first stage (probably was the thing that took me the longest time to code haha)
the youtube channel "standupmaths" for the dr. nim game (the dead end of stage 3)
the youtube channel "tom scott" for making me aware of the game "fizzbuzz" (stage 4)
@colinmacc for his (extremely helpful) word list in the game "Lingo!" (stage 4)
and finally, you, for finishing this game.