***Lag Warning! I recommend using Turbowarp, or use Turbo Mode! However, Turbo Mode is less effective!***
Geometry Dash Revamped is out now!
Go here if you have questions -
Turbowarp link :
If you want me to rate your levels, ask here.
Editing is hard, so I recommend you read all the instructions first. For tips go here
You may only advertise if it is related to this editor.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ How to use }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
=================Adding Music==================
-Go into the backdrop, delete all the music, and add the music you want.
=================Saving Levels=================
- Remix the project when you first start making your level, and whenever you need to save your level, save the project
================General Controls================
- Press "Z" and "M" to switch between editor mode
and play mode.
=================Player Controls================
- Click to jump, fly, switch gravity, use orbs, etc..
- Press "I" and "O" to bring up the 'no-clip' option.
- When you are in the end screen, you can vote with 0-9
- In practice mode, press "Z" to make a checkpoint
- Press "S" to sync the level
- Press "W" while auto click is on to automatically spam
=================Editor Controls=================
- Press "1" or "3" to cycle between block menus
- Press "4" and "5" to cycle between blocks in the menu
- Press "2" to select the eraser
- Press "I" and "O" to see the settings.
- Press "O" and "P" to go to the debug menu.
- Click to place a block
- "R" to rotate a block, and press "T" to rotate it 45 degrees
- Press "E" to show rotation and nudge menu
- Press "R" and "O" to set the rotation and nudge to
- Press F for the trigger menu
- B to access detect menu
- Z to pick block
- 9 to save
- 0 to load
- Press L to bring up the sync menu
- Press K on the notches in the sync menu to toggle whether or not they are a beat
- Press K while not on a notch in the sync menu, or during a level to set the notch that syncs with the music to a beat.
- Press J after playing your level to see the sync
#all #games
Changelog was move to Notes and Credits because my Instructions said it was too long
This is dedicated to
Thanks to
@Nosy14Banana for the vectorised auto costume!
Thanks to
@-geometry-_-dasher- for the idea of an auto clicker.
All the code is by me, most of the sounds (and some costumes) are from these three projects:
Thanks to Robtop for their game.
I know the songs are the full version. I couldn't find anything else.
Post your levels here :
=================Official Levels=================
The Beginning :
Second Try :
The Power of Meme :
2.1.13 - Removed the Brightness effect from glow when it touches the player, but added a new object that does that instead.
2.1.12 - Added Level Recorder, Fixed a bug with the dual cube using orbs, fixed a bug with the mini ship crashing when sliding on a roof, and added orb buffering, and fixed an issue with faster waves clipping through blocks
2.1.11 - Added MANY new objects, including new tile sets, water, pulsing objects, rotating decorations, fake spikes jagged spikes, fake layout blocks. Y Scrolling is now smoother, and blocks that should have animations now do.
2.1.10 - Made a better sync system, where you can input your beats and tempo, and the game will automatically make syncing when you play the level, and remade the section 4 blocks to be more useful.
2.1.9 - Made the player slide off of slopes, fixed a bug with invisible blocks, fixed orbs for gamemodes with lower gravities, and tweeked the ship and ball.
2.1.8 - Finally, the problem with triggers may have been solved, and there is a new option to enable or disable the block animation for exiting and entering the screen. Also fixed issues with mirrored player directions.
2.1.7 - Remade the verification system
2.1.6 - Added two new hacks, Auto Click and Auto Fly. To compensate for that, I've added a verification symbol that shows whether or not it was verified legitimately. I also made the ship, ball, ufo, spider, and swing copter slightly less laggy.
2.1.5 - Changed the wave to make it less laggy, and have better clipping (tighter spaces)
2.1.4 - Made it so tiles only render onscreen, or if they are in a group
2.1.3 - Changed the ball to allow for quicker ascent and descent, made the transition to different gravities through portals not launch you into the air, allowed the robot to do 1 block jumps
2.1.2 - Added the spider pad and orb and colored variants of blocks
2.1.1 - Added the color trigger
2.1 - Fixed the dual ball, made the movement script for the player more stable, added orange orbs, camera trigger, green pads, revamped particle effects, revamped the tile engine to allow less lag (I think) and to make the tile hitboxes update before the player, fixed the dual spider, made the starting positions of the player closer to the ground, and free fly
2.0.3 - Added the long awaited size trigger.
2.0.2 - Added lazers.
2.0.1 - Added breakable blocks.
2.0 - Save codes, move trigger, alpha trigger, instant count trigger, keys, coins, count, colored blocks, glow, teleport portals, 3D objects, thorns, swing copter, more monsters, fade.
1.2 - Added numbers on the percentage bar.
1.0 - Blocks, platforms, grid blocks, pulsing and chain decorations, gravity portals, 'cube, ship, ball, UFO, wave, robot, and spider', pads, orbs, color trigger, dangers, slopes, dash orbs, cross blocks, black blocks, layout blocks, 'mini, mirror, and dual' portals, saws and gears, and speed changing.