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Click the green flag 2 times, just to make sure that the audio is align with the picture. Also make sure you love & favorite this or Mickey Mouse will be in your room at 3am. I'd also appreciate it if you followed me. Check out my voting show! Here's the latest episode: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/948697262/

Notes and Credits

DISCLAIMER: Just replying to some people in the comments: This was not an attack against Christianity. The image that I used was in a Community Tab on Youtube, and I figured that I could make a meme out of it. I do apologize if you're offended by this though. This is a popular meme on youtube, so I decided to help bring it over to scratch. If you want to make your own, feel free to remix the project and add in whatever you like! Credits: Clankybot777 (on youtube) Mickey Mouse jacknjellify

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