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Try this -> https://turbowarp.org/601127521?fps=60 ----------INSTRUCTIONS---------- MOVE THE MOUSE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 KEYS FOR FACES "A" AND "D" TO SHOW / HIDE HAMDS SPACE BAR FOR *PIZZAZZ* ------------------------------------------- PLEASE REMIX!! ------------------------------------------- 1 - Idle 2 - Smirk 3 - Sabd 4 - Happy 5 - Dumbfounded 6 - Angy 7 - Embarrassed 8 - Superstar 9 - Annoyed 0 - Hurt #animation #meme #template

Notes and Credits

Music is called "&" by Tally Hall ADD WHATEVER MUSIC YOU WANT

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