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One of the most buggest project i ever made so tell if there bugs Also the timestop freaking long so that u can even do the world 1 shot combo here Q - Stand Summon E - Barrage R - Strong Punch T - Knife Throw Y - Kick Barrage G - Road Roller H - Rage Mode (This is the thing that caused lot of bugs) Z - Timeskip (No Rage) Z - Timestop (With Rage) X - Stand Jump Notes and Credits : Uzu for YBA (u know it) @PlsGiveMeT0es for template @Noob_GokuPro2 for a lot of fricking scripts (if remix delete this or i will raid u project cuz yes) Oh my god I wont make YBA SP for sure (Change my mind haha ez) Jonathan Hamon : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/600586698/ Is mine project but is good, go check it out

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