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Menu Navigation: Mouse Objectives: 1. No really, pull the tab to the right! 2. Not your tab button, silly! 3. Raise a blob to an elder dragon.

Notes and Credits

Warning: Slight flashes when training past Lv. 25! A basic Tamagotchi game for coding practice & Scratchtober 'Dragon' submission! No deaths are implemented, feel free to AFK! Remember to save & recopy your code before leaving! Comment your Dragon's level below! Tell me if there's any bugs, thanks! Changelog: 16-11-21 - Pet won't move to food while training now. 11-11-21 - Added 3 random starting Dragon color. 11-11-21 - Added hover text to buttons. 11-11-21 - Added XXXX code rejection. 11-11-21 - Added more than 4 digit PIN rejection. 11-11-21 - Added 0000 PIN rejection. 11-11-21 - Save/Load will appear after egg hatch. 11-11-21 - Added Mute Button. 11-11-21 - Added Pull-tab reset. 28-10-21 - Added Sleep feature. 28-10-21 - Added hover text for each stats. 27-10-21 - Added Stage 3 Skill. 27-10-21 - Added Stage 3 evolution. 27-10-21 - Optimized game. To-do: - Refine poop location. - Refine bars. - Add more visual cues for 'needs'. - Add pet color options. - Add more pets: Foxs, Cats, etc. - Add Translation: French, etc. -- Softwares: Scratch, Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop Assets: itch.io, Deviantart - Eggs: https://taarna23.itch.io - Dragon: https://www.deviantart.com/camdencc - Potion: https://flippurgatory.itch.io/ - Music: http://www.abstractionmusic.com/ - Music Title: Ludum Dare 32 - Track 2 #game #tamagotchi #tamago #watchi #egg #dragon #scratchtober

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