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Disclaimer: No, this is not associated in any way with FlowOS by @Flow-. Known bugs: Cloud Notes sometimes not updating WIP elements: TV 2.0, About, flowTeam, flowRender, Timer, Settings, Fireworks, 3BY3 Elements, and News 2.

Notes and Credits

======================CREDITS====================== @IAP-Reloaded - Creating mostly everything. Coldplay - The ringtone music, which is Viva La Vada edited to loop. @Sunsetly - Telling me who made the notification music. @Gatitoscratch - The first curation, for 3 days. @Really_A - The second curation, for "some hours". It is the first project to be curated two times! =======================UPDATES===================== Build 15: -Ported News to Flow OS; this means future Flow updates will be posted there Build 14: -Added Flow Helper Simple -Layered apps Build 13: -Redesigned Flow Helper circular button -Added a space between the time and "Apps" while switching apps -Added a message for going back to the Home app -New message for starting up Flow OS Build 12: -Repositioned App and Time variables on the Home app -Added /open to console as a way to switch apps -Message when using /open or the app icon to switch apps -Added DataTARDIS functionality to apps such as Flow Helper Build 11: -Home when starting up is now Starting -Added Flow Helper Build 10: -Added graphics for Flow OS Beta -Added Console app -Added Clock icon Build 9: -Changed second log on message -Fixed /weekday not having plugin prefix -New CodeCLEAR system allowing history using 5 variables. -Added /codeclear Build 8: -Altered load/shutdown sequence timing -Moved time variable to somewhere else (no longer blocked) -FlowDesign load plugin messages changed -FlowDesign upgraded to version two -Fixed console not showing up on turbo mode -Added /reverse -Added /weekday -Implemented /bubble Build 7: -Added 4th help page -Added /credits -Added /simplepi Build 6: -Transition to PowerCore complete -Fixed /newsession not resetting session time -Fixed /changepi only displaying last 2 numbers of pi. Build 5: -Added /info -Added /turbo -Added /pluginmsg -Changed unknown command message -Shortened the help message for /newsession Build 4: -Implemented /changelog, will be finished in next build -Added /pi -Added /changepi -Added /captcha -Added 3rd page of /help -Added a help entry on every page for seeing the next page of help -Speedier console! Build 3: -Added /typewriter -Added /username -Added /timeanddate -Transitioning core to PowerCore, the one seen on startup -Personal flexibility is maybe coming soon -Multiple pages of help -Renamed /help to /help 1, and added /help 2 Build 2: -Added /randomize -Added /appleascii -Added /siri -Added /logoff -Added /shutdown -Added new login sequence to go along with the existing one -Added shutdown/logoff sequence that is opposite of login sequence -Added /placeholder to reserve a spot for future commands Build 1: -Added the scripts -Added /help -Added /clear -Added /output -Added /action -Added /sessiontime -Added /newsession

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