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CONTROLS NOT MOBILE FRIENDLY Press space to spawn a beetle that tries to go through the maze to reach the strawberry. Hold space for an army of beetles! Press and hold Z to see the arrows that help the beetle pathfind. Drag the strawberry around to change up the path the beetles have to take. Use arrow keys or A and D to shuffle through a few different mazes to try out, some of which may not work as intended. NOTE: Due to this simple pathfinder relying on colour sensing, overlapping beetles may stop other beetles from detecting the arrow colours, and make them go in the wrong direction.

Notes and Credits

THIS IS A TEST PROJECT, SO IT DOESN'T REALLY HAVE QUALITY I tried following one of @griffpatch's tutorials, which you can check out on U-tub here: https://www.youtube.com/0faPPgOT--E c2a (credit 2 all( edit 4/8/2021: i tried doing the grid list tutorial, but code not working how it should've (with no workarounds that didn't make the project lag or required new sprites) forced me to give up, may try again sometime EDIT 5/8/2021: So, the reason why the "touching Level?" block didn't work last time was because I had the sprite hidden... Whoopsies... I have started the tutorial again!

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