TurboWarp highly recommended. The game will lag otherwise.
All controls are on the keyboard, most of which are shown in the project.
On the results screen, you can hover over the top of the screen to see the song you played and the settings you chose, and you can press - and = to see your score's equivalent in different judge settings.
= My Personal Bests =
Love ♥ Shine! - 129,646 - 99.160%
Set Me Free - 683,170 - 99.271%
UZ - 157,130 - 99.691% 4/15/2022
Roses - 483,161 - 99.598%
PSYCHED AGOSTO - 1,054,205 - 98.69%
PARANOiZY - 283,524 - 92.33% 9/16/2023
Note: I am using judge level 0 and life level 1 for the highscores