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Hello.. I'm @moon-player am glad you decided to play my game ◈Part 2◈ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/555896901 ◈Simplified explanation of the game◈ The beginning of the story is that you decide to explore a deserted forest full of ghosts, but on your own, And you will face some strange and interesting obstacles, At first it will be fun and amazing, but as you progress a little bit you will feel really terrified in some places, I don't really mean horror, but I mean horror that is allowed to be seen by the old and the small. ◈instructions◈ ▪you can move with arrows ( ←→↑↓) and the following letters ( A.D.W.S) and by mobile or iPad by touching (right.left.up.down). ▪It is better to wear headphones to get more realistic. ▪Press (F11) for a better view ◈Notes◈ I know that the game is a little short, but making it is very tiring, so I hope everyone will click on the heart and star if they liked the game so that I know if you want another part or not. ◈Sources◈ ▪thanks to @INorth To make the movement more smooth. ▪thanks for @google for some pics ▪music from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTFLYCMkyiM . ▪thanks for this site for extracting audio from video https://audiotrimmer.com/ar/online-mp3-converter/ ◈my games◈ ▪dash till puff 3D https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/489592338/ ▪Driving simulator 2 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/527409702/ ▪Missile escapes https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/525290887/ ▪Driving simulator https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/489226688/ ▪Sniper / Part 2 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/472088329/ in conclusion.. thank you for your interest and reading #platform #enjoy #moon_player #moon #Explore #ghost #forest #horror #game #games #all

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