Welcome to Java OS! this is built as an entire operating built on Scratch. Please note that this is very new and is not polished.
Website URL is
Device:Shutdown will shut off the device
Device*User will give the user the first three letters of their username.
Device:Attach.New() lets you add a port which changes stuff. The only ports are 1243 and Pride.
Device:Mem() allows you to set the allocated memory (10, 50, 100)
Mem.Re refreshes the memory
Mem.Crash clears the memory
Device:Mem() tells you how much memory you have allocated.
Settings.ShowMemoryStats(On/off) tells you how much allocated memory you have left.
%port% tells you what port you are using.
Device.JGS:Restart() resets JGS.
%roaming% provides the console with how much allocated memory you have and any other stuff.
%crash% turns of the device
%pen% enables pen for 5 secs
Device:Host(@@@@, 1111, 0) starts a normal host at the target 1111 with no Wall.
Device:Host(@@@@, 1111, 1) starts a host with a Wall.
#Games #Explore #OS #Java #Simulator #ExperiTeamVersions:
Classic 1.0.5:
Added Portal 3
Fixed variables not showing upon pressing home button
Discontinued Downloads via Discard server
-Texture changes
-Changes to the booting screen
-Easter eggs
-Changes to the Port system and the removal of more cloud features (because of the 10 cloud variable limit)
-Changes to Port 1243
-Adaptations to the code system
-The Scratch Blocks are cleaner
Pre-Classic 3:
-Removes demo cloud features like public info or search (because cloud variables only store numbers)
-New Blue Sky game
-Smileys :)
Crash reports part 1:
-Adds crash reports
-Adds public crash reports (requires cloud access)
-Overflows the memory when you crash the device
Time update
-Adds time tracker
-Adds a public boot time with 00 instead of :
Command update 1:
-Adds host commands
-Changes the code language
-Adds %% commands
Mem test:
-Adds memory
-Adds Mem commands
Public info demo (not advised):
-Adds public info chat which does not work because letters cannot go into cloud variables.
Search demo:
-Adds a search feature
Pride 2021:
-Added the Pride port.
Pre-classic 2: Second version, including:
-Home button
-Clicker game
-Smileys :)
Pre-classic 1: Very first version, including:
-Booting system
-No games
-JGS injector
-Smileys :)