Something I've been working on for a few days! Hope you enjoy it! :)
Note - if you prefer drawing in HSV (hue, saturation, value), click on the little icon that looks like it's made of three red, green, and blue circles.
This drawing app has gone a LOT further than all my other drawing projects. It has:
- An algorithm that connects pixels! Normally in drawing programs like this on Scratch, the pixels end up scattered and isolated as you drag the pen around. This is because of the low FPS on Scratch, but I developed an algorithm that literally just connects these scattered dots! A lot harder than I would have thought though omg
- Colour sliders, supporting both HSV and RGB colours. It also has opacity (A).
- Pen size variable, but only supports up to 6px because of lag.
- Different "pens", including 4 dithering tools, an eraser and a pen.
I intend to add:
- Automatic shading calculator
- A paint bucket tool, but this one you'll have to wait a little longer for hahah
- "Drag and drop" selected sections, as well as being able to copy and paste parts.
- An animation system (this was the original plan for the project).
#draw #art #photoshop #app #drawing #paint #pencil #pixel #pixelart