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Welcome to Jacob630's Remix Level Challenge! Rules: (Only @Dayton2949, @Twin138956Scratch, @OisinFan62, @Superflex29, @Mike_Lam_0102, and @ringtop02, as well as their alts can break them.) 1. Change the remix level by 1. 2. Every 25 remixes, change the remix type. 3. Do not add anything that is inappropriate/scary/satire. 4. Add your own OC/sprite of your choice. 5. Change the effects for your sprite if you want to. 6. Do not tell me or my friends to cancel this remix chain. 7. Do not ruin/change the song list. (That goes for you, @legofan208!) 8. Do not add more than 2 sprites before remixing. If you add to much, then me or my friends will have to delete a couple of them. 9. REMIX!

Notes and Credits

Credit to everyone, especially @jacob630 and @ringtop02. I made you your very own remix challenge, which is 100 levels more than your ultimate challenge with 500 remix levels!

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