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This is a full emulation of a computer from the 1980's - the BBC Microcomputer. Over 60 games have been compressed to fit them into the project. You can import any BBC Micro game disk image from the internet (using the RokCoder link). You can even make and save your own programs in BBC Basic or 6502 assembly language from within the project! #games #emulator #bbc #computer #basic #6502 #music #art #retro #too-many-hashtags #description(An emulator of my favourite 8-bit computer complete with over 60 game disk images!)

Notes and Credits

After playing the emulator, please come back to leave a comment and maybe even a love or favourite! Forum for discussion, questions, suggestions, possible key-remaps for non-UK keyboards, etc: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/506597/ This is an improvement over the previous emulator. It now supports more games and over 30 more disk images have been included! I was able to fit over 60 disk images into the project using a form of LZS compression (with variable bit-length encoding). Massive credit to @garbomuffin. This project couldn't run without TurboWarp and garbomuffin was incredibly quick to fix bugs that exist in regular Scratch when I mentioned to him. Neither the keyboard handling or the emulated sound chip effects would be possible without those fixes! He also updated TurboWarp to allow the screen refresh rate to be set from within the project, allowing the project to run at the same refresh rate as the original computer (50Hz) Thanks to @kriblo for his extreme patience while beta testing and for all of his great feedback and suggestions. Credit is of course due to the original authors of the games for their wonderful work that has given me so many hours of fun!

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