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Welcome to THE POLAR EXPRESS Simulation for scratch! I call this a simulation as of yet because I do not think it can qualify for a game in its current state. (E.G There is no destinations or mini games) Featured while on holiday: Christmas wish come true. Adverts will be erased without warning. -=CONTROLS FOUND IN GAME AT BOTTOM RIGHT=- This is by my accounts, the most accurate replica of the polar express on scratch to date (24/12/2016) Despite my best efforts, everyone needs to keep in mind that i've never attempted a project of this kind before in complexity. Rigorous testing and hours of image comparison has lead me to this result but you may still find bugs and problems... Total Development time: 13 Months, 5 days. (Total time taken until shared - Closest logical approximation.) Note for remixers/coders: Press F to see wheel point rigging (Flag to clear)

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