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>Ayy @CeeBee saw it :) >Yooo thanks for #10 on trending :o ******WATCH HERE - https://turbowarp.org/527646328?interpolate&hqpen&stuck&clones=Infinity ****** >Before you even do anything, please scroll down and read all of the credits. 15 amazing people helped make all of the parts for this, and if they didn't help this wouldn't be a project (I made 2 also) >Please follow them. Most of them are super underrated. >Also, I would appreciate it if you loved and faved this project. All 16 of us worked for hours on our parts, and there are even 11k+ blocks. >If you are part of ST and I didn't include you, it's because I completely forgot. There are probably 100 members and only 16 spots here. >ST is rlly awesome. They are the reason this website is >Hope you enjoy this! >It was really fun to put this together, make my 2 parts, and watch other people's parts! If you think I should make another one of these in the future, tell me! >Okay! That's really it! Remember, you cannot use any of these parts for yourself or anyone else. If you are to remix this, change something or else I would prefer if you don't remix. Also, don't change the names and give it to someone else. It isn't fair to me or the 15 others who made this. >Now watch! :DDD ----------------------------------------------------------------- ST loves, faves, and comments: @Dietbacon commented :o @CeeBee loved, faved, and commented :oo Stats: Loves - 1220 Faves - 968 Views - 753 Remixes - 4 Block count - About 11-12 thousand Costumes - 286 Time spent - A little over 3 weeks ----------------------------------------------------------------- Achievements: >Highest # on trending - #5 (May 20th) >Top loved? - May 17th :o >Top remixed - >Featured?!?!?! - >Curated? - 100 loves - May 16th 2021 500 loves - May 20th 2021 1k loves - July? 2021 100 faves - May 16th 2021 500 faves - May 20th 2021 1k faves - around sep 11 2023 1k views - May 18th 2021 10k views- around sep 11 2023 100k views - 1mil views?! - ----------------------------------------------------------------- That's literally it. Lmao. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/527646328/#comments-311636412 #ST #Multistyle #SWH #SAH

Notes and Credits

(Person who the part is for - Maker. That means the scratch team didn’t help, only the intro makers.) Credits: Music - Ghastly - We Might Fall Part 1 - @ScratchCat - @Piggiejake Part 2 - @Paddle2See - @-Cat-Ninja- Part 3 - @ipzy - @-fenyx Part 4 - @Zinnea - @-SuperWooper- Part 5 - @Ceebee - @TwoNerds Part 6 - @Za-Chary - @TotalAwesomePerson Part 7 - @Scmb1 - @Yoda_SMP13 Part 8 - @Mres - @Portishead7 and @dadodee Part 9 - @natalie - @-Kami Part 10 - @Speakvisually - @Aqury Part 11 - @Ericr - @xX_TIG_Xx Part 12 - @Cheddargirl - @THS-Intros Part 13 - @Class12321 - @-LittleKid- Part 14 - @Designerd - @Awesome139 Part 15 - @dietbacon - @Sockeye-d Part 16 - @chrisg - @Wolther Part 17 - Outro - @Piggiejake Thumbnail - @Piggiejake Alpha backdrop - @CardboardGuy236 ST text is Gang of 3. Text gotten from Fontmeme.com Thumbnail blurred on BeFunky.com

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