welcome to sonic 3 title card maker!
If you haven't downloaded the Andes font, some things may not display properly.
Hey, wazzup? This is a project where you can create your own Sonic 3 title cards, and customize the BG if you want!
Go to the costume named, "Put Zone Here!", and enter your favorite title card if you want. If you wanna change the act, go to the "Act Part" sprite, and change the act into ANY number you want. Don't forget - you can make your own BG if you want!
Wanna propose this to be featured? Go to
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/28715018/! (if you're a new scratcher, wait until you're a scratcher.)
Credit to all, including:
SEGA + All Owners of All Assets!
MY NOTES: This took me OVER 45 minutes to make because the black BG won't fade out! If I made it fade out it will take less time to make the project. Also, yes, this is my version of this project so don't report.