W / A / S / D - Sawblades
R / H - Sword Attacks
Y / U / O / P - Slashes (q to activate)
-----------[GUARDIAN SENTINEL ATTACKS]-----------
J / K - Blue/Orange Orb Walls (Blue/Orange Sentinels)
1 - Dual Orb Blasts (Purple Sentinel)
G - Sentinel Combo (Blue, Orange, and Purple Sentinels)
Arrow keys- move
Space - Menu
Z - Select
X - Deselect
------------[ Credits B) ]--------------
Undertale: Toby Fox
Game by
sprite: wonderful goat
Credit to modeck, the creator of the Undertale Red mod, and Toby Fox, creator of Undertale.
Thumbnail: Me
Sawblade, Sword, Orb, Dandelion, Reticle, and Sentinel artwork by me
Red Sprite by ???
UNDERTALE: RED by taxiderby